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Green Ultra

Broker violations and abnormal records
  • 2024-09-08 The OSC issues a warning about Green Ultra

    On September 9, 2024, the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) issued a warning against Green Ultra, stating that this broker is not registered in Ontario to engage in the business of trading in securities.

    On September 9, 2024, the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) issued a warning against Green Ultra, stating that this broker is not registered in Ontario to engage in the business of trading in securities.
  • 2024-09-09 BrokersView has reviewed that Green Ultra is an unregulated trading platform

    In the website footer, Green Ultra claims to be authorized by the European Financial Security and the Canadian Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. However, no such authorities exist. The link attached to the license number allegedly issued by the European Financial Security directs to the page of FISEU, a fake authority flagged by the German financial regulator, BaFin. Additionally, our search for the company in the register of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) yielded no matching records, indicating that the company is not authorized in Canada. In conclusion, the regulatory claims are fake.

    What's more, the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) has issued a warning against Green Ultra, stating that this broker is not registered in Ontario to engage in the business of trading in securities.

    In essence, Green Ultra is not regulated by any governing body. Entrusting it with investors' funds is highly risky, as there are no legal protections in place to safeguard the funds.

    Green Ultra appears to be a scam.

    In the website footer, Green Ultra claims to be authorized by the European Financial Security and the Canadian Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. However, no such authorities exist. The link attached to the license number allegedly issued by the European Financial Security directs to the page of FISEU, a fake authority flagged by the German financial regulator, BaFin. Additionally, our search for the company in the register of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) yielded no matching records, indicating that the company is not authorized in Canada. In conclusion, the regulatory claims are fake.What's more, the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) has issued a warning against Green Ultra, stating that this broker is not registered in Ontario to engage in the business of trading in securities.In essence, Green Ultra is not regulated by any governing body. Entrusting it with investors' funds is highly risky, as there are no legal protections in place to safeguard the funds.Green Ultra appears to be a scam.