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Operating status: SCAM


Broker violations and abnormal records
  • 2024-09-05 BaFin issues a warning about HXQNA

    On Sep 6, 2024, the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) issued a warning about HXQNA for the lack of the required authorization.

    On Sep 6, 2024, the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) issued a warning about HXQNA for the lack of the required authorization.
  • 2024-09-08 BrokersView has reviewed that HXQNA is an unregulated broker

    HXQNA vaguely claims to be registered with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FINCEN) to appear legitimate. However, it is critical to note that the MSB registration doesn't equate to the authorization from a financial regulator.

    In addition, the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) has issued a warning about HXQNA, noting that the website of the broker is identical to those of fraudulent ones previously flagged by them and that the HXQNA has no required authorization.

    In essence, HXQNA is not regulated by any governing body. Entrusting it with investors' funds is highly risky, as there are no legal protections in place to safeguard the funds.

    HXQNA appears to be a scam.

    HXQNA vaguely claims to be registered with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FINCEN) to appear legitimate. However, it is critical to note that the MSB registration doesn't equate to the authorization from a financial regulator.In addition, the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) has issued a warning about HXQNA, noting that the website of the broker is identical to those of fraudulent ones previously flagged by them and that the HXQNA has no required authorization.In essence, HXQNA is not regulated by any governing body. Entrusting it with investors' funds is highly risky, as there are no legal protections in place to safeguard the funds.HXQNA appears to be a scam.