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Ace FX


Operating status: SCAM


Broker violations and abnormal records
  • 2022-04-01 BrokersView has reviewed that Ace FX is an unregulated forex broker

    At first, Ace FX has no regulation when you view its home page. 

    Then, when you click “Group” on its top page, Ace FX seems to have connections with a legit broker named First Prudential Markets Ltd or FP Markets - The firm shows the same regulations as FP Markets. 

    However, if you check the "same regulations" information on FP Markets, you will get the message that the two companies have no relationship. That is to say: the licenses Ace FX claimed is a totally lie. Ace FX is attempting to confuse traders and attract them by choosing its misleading licenses–a popular scam tactic known as firm cloning. Therefore, we can conclude that Ace FX is a scam.

    At first, Ace FX has no regulation when you view its home page. Then, when you click “Group” on its top page, Ace FX seems to have connections with a legit broker named First Prudential Markets Ltd or FP Markets - The firm shows the same regulations as FP Markets. However, if you check the "same regulations" information on FP Markets, you will get the message that the two companies have no relationship. That is to say: the licenses Ace FX claimed is a totally lie. Ace FX is attempting to confuse traders and attract them by choosing its misleading licenses–a popular scam tactic known as firm cloning. Therefore, we can conclude that Ace FX is a scam.
  • 2022-08-25 BrokersView has found that Ace FX is not working

    On 26 Aug 2022, BrokersView found the domain is not working, as most probably it was suspended and it is always a bad sign when broker's website is suspended.

    On 26 Aug 2022, BrokersView found the domain is not working, as most probably it was suspended and it is always a bad sign when broker's website is suspended.


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