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Operating status: SCAM


Broker violations and abnormal records
  • 2023-12-24 BrokersView has reviewed that GXOTE is an unregulated broker

    According to its website, it claims registered in the Company House (CH) with registration number: 08114207. Upon investigation, we found that the status shows "Overdue". In addition, no matching information was found in the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Because CH registration does not equal authorization by a financial institution, GXOTE is an illegal platform that provides financial services in the UK without a license..

    The truth is that GXOTE is not regulated by any regulators. Letting it hold or control investors' money is unsafe and the money can not be protected by any laws.

    Therefore, GXOTE is a scam. 

    According to its website, it claims registered in the Company House (CH) with registration number: 08114207. Upon investigation, we found that the status shows "Overdue". In addition, no matching information was found in the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Because CH registration does not equal authorization by a financial institution, GXOTE is an illegal platform that provides financial services in the UK without a license..The truth is that GXOTE is not regulated by any regulators. Letting it hold or control investors' money is unsafe and the money can not be protected by any laws.Therefore, GXOTE is a scam.