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Hendry fx


Operating status: SCAM


Broker violations and abnormal records
  • 2022-04-01 BrokersView has reviewed that Hendry fx is an Unregulated Forex Broker

    Hendry fx claims it is a reliable broker while presenting neither details about its company information (company name) and regulations, nor legal documents (terms & conditions, risk disclosure, and privacy policy, etc.). Lacking the above information may be a distinct characteristic of unlicensed brokers, as legit brokers always display their credentials and licenses in a prominent position. It is a red flag here.

    Downloading its Trading tool "Hendry MT5 Desktop", we found the full name of Hendry fx is Hendry Financial Limited and it is a Hong Kong-based company. However, we did not find any match results to Hendry fx in the Hong Kong Securities And Futures Commission (HK SFC). That means Hendry fx is not regulated by any regulators. Investors' money in this broker is unsafe and cannot be protected by any law. Therefore, it is a scam.

    Hendry fx claims it is a reliable broker while presenting neither details about its company information (company name) and regulations, nor legal documents (terms & conditions, risk disclosure, and privacy policy, etc.). Lacking the above information may be a distinct characteristic of unlicensed brokers, as legit brokers always display their credentials and licenses in a prominent position. It is a red flag here.Downloading its Trading tool "Hendry MT5 Desktop", we found the full name of Hendry fx is Hendry Financial Limited and it is a Hong Kong-based company. However, we did not find any match results to Hendry fx in the Hong Kong Securities And Futures Commission (HK SFC). That means Hendry fx is not regulated by any regulators. Investors' money in this broker is unsafe and cannot be protected by any law. Therefore, it is a scam.
  • 2022-07-07 BrokersView has found that Hendry fx is not working

    On 8 Jul 2022, BrokersView found the domain is not working, as most probably it was suspended and it is always a bad sign when broker's website is suspended.

    On 8 Jul 2022, BrokersView found the domain is not working, as most probably it was suspended and it is always a bad sign when broker's website is suspended.


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