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M24 Markets


Operating status: SCAM


Broker violations and abnormal records
  • 2022-03-28 BrokersView has reviewed that M24 Markets is an Unregulated Forex Broker

    M24 Markets claims to be a reliable firm while presenting neither details about its company information (company full name) and regulations, nor legal documents (terms & conditions, risk disclosure, and privacy policy, etc.). Lacking the above information may be a distinctive characteristic of unlicensed brokers, as legit brokers always display their credentials and licenses in a prominent position. It is a red flag here.

    Viewing its "Contact us" information, we found the company is located in the United Kingdom. As per the United Kingdom law, all firms and individuals offering, promoting, or selling financial services or products in the UK have to be authorized or registered by the UK financial regulator - FCA. However, we did not find any match results to M24 Markets in FCA. That means M24 Markets is not regulated by any regulators. Investors' money in this broker is unsafe and cannot be protected by law. Therefore, it is a scam.

    M24 Markets claims to be a reliable firm while presenting neither details about its company information (company full name) and regulations, nor legal documents (terms & conditions, risk disclosure, and privacy policy, etc.). Lacking the above information may be a distinctive characteristic of unlicensed brokers, as legit brokers always display their credentials and licenses in a prominent position. It is a red flag here.Viewing its "Contact us" information, we found the company is located in the United Kingdom. As per the United Kingdom law, all firms and individuals offering, promoting, or selling financial services or products in the UK have to be authorized or registered by the UK financial regulator - FCA. However, we did not find any match results to M24 Markets in FCA. That means M24 Markets is not regulated by any regulators. Investors' money in this broker is unsafe and cannot be protected by law. Therefore, it is a scam.
  • 2022-08-29 The UK FCA Added M24 Markets into Its Warnings

    On 30 Aug 2022, the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority (UK FCA) issued a warning that M24 Markets is providing financial services or products in the UK without authorisation. You may visit: 

    On 30 Aug 2022, the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority (UK FCA) issued a warning that M24 Markets is providing financial services or products in the UK without authorisation. You may visit: