SHD Markets baselessly claims to be reputable and reliable. However, some of the links on the website are even broken. No valid information can be found to suggest that SHD Markets is legitimate or properly licensed. In addition, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has issued a warning against SHD Markets, flagging it as unauthorized and advising investors to stay clear.
In essence, SHD Markets is not regulated by any governing body. Entrusting it with investors' funds is highly risky, as there are no legal protections in place to safeguard the funds. SHD Markets appears to be a scam.
SHD Markets baselessly claims to be reputable and reliable. However, some of the links on the website are even broken. No valid information can be found to suggest that SHD Markets is legitimate or properly licensed. In addition, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has issued a warning against SHD Markets, flagging it as unauthorized and advising investors to stay clear.
In essence, SHD Markets is not regulated by any governing body. Entrusting it with investors' funds is highly risky, as there are no legal protections in place to safeguard the funds. SHD Markets appears to be a scam.