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The Active Trades Ltd


Operating status: SCAM


Broker violations and abnormal records
  • 2023-06-27 The Italian CONSOB orders the black-out of The Active Trades Ltd website

    On June 28, 2023, the Italian Companies and Exchange Commission (CONSOB) has ordered The Active Trades Ltd's website to be blacked out since it offers financial services illegally:

    On June 28, 2023, the Italian Companies and Exchange Commission (CONSOB) has ordered The Active Trades Ltd's website to be blacked out since it offers financial services illegally:
  • 2023-07-03 BrokersView has reviewed that The Active Trades Ltd is an unregulated broker

    It is strange that The Active Trades Ltd displays two certificates of incorporation issued by the Companies House (CH), casting doubts on the broker's reliability and authenticity. Furthermore, the CH only serves as a registrar of companies in the UK and has no authority to issue financial licenses or regulate entities involved in the industry. We searched in the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and discovered that The Active Trades Ltd is falsely claiming to be operated by an FCA-authorized firm.

    In addition, the Italian Companies and Exchange Commission (CONSOB) has ordered The Active Trades Ltd's website to be blacked out since it offers financial services illegally.

    In essence, The Active Trades Ltd is not regulated by any governing body. Entrusting this broker with investors' funds is highly risky, as there are no legal protections in place to safeguard the funds. It is unequivocally a scam.

    It is strange that The Active Trades Ltd displays two certificates of incorporation issued by the Companies House (CH), casting doubts on the broker's reliability and authenticity. Furthermore, the CH only serves as a registrar of companies in the UK and has no authority to issue financial licenses or regulate entities involved in the industry. We searched in the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and discovered that The Active Trades Ltd is falsely claiming to be operated by an FCA-authorized firm.In addition, the Italian Companies and Exchange Commission (CONSOB) has ordered The Active Trades Ltd's website to be blacked out since it offers financial services illegally.In essence, The Active Trades Ltd is not regulated by any governing body. Entrusting this broker with investors' funds is highly risky, as there are no legal protections in place to safeguard the funds. It is unequivocally a scam.