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Operating status: SCAM


Broker violations and abnormal records
  • 2022-04-12 The UK FCA Added UnitedFxTrade into Its Warnings

    On 13 Apr 2022, the FCA issued a warning that UnitedFxTrade has not been authorised to carry out financial services and products in the UK, you may visit:

    On 13 Apr 2022, the FCA issued a warning that UnitedFxTrade has not been authorised to carry out financial services and products in the UK, you may visit:
  • 2022-04-25 BrokersView has reviewed that UnitedFxTradeis an Unregulated Forex Broker

    UnitedFxTrade shows its office address is in the United States. However, we did not find any match results to the company name in the US regulator National Futures Association (NFA). That means UnitedFxTrade is not an approved broker to offer financial services in the US.

    What's more, the FCA issued a warning against UnitedFxTrade on 13 Apr 2022, saying that UnitedFxTrade is not authorized to provide financial services and products. That means this broker is not regulated by any regulators. Investors' money in this broker is unsafe and cannot be protected by any law. Therefore, it is a scam.

    UnitedFxTrade shows its office address is in the United States. However, we did not find any match results to the company name in the US regulator National Futures Association (NFA). That means UnitedFxTrade is not an approved broker to offer financial services in the US.What's more, the FCA issued a warning against UnitedFxTrade on 13 Apr 2022, saying that UnitedFxTrade is not authorized to provide financial services and products. That means this broker is not regulated by any regulators. Investors' money in this broker is unsafe and cannot be protected by any law. Therefore, it is a scam.


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