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Operating status: SCAM


Broker violations and abnormal records
  • 2022-06-19 The Bahamas SCB Added Valizerfxtrading into Its Warnings

    On June 20 2022, the Securities Commission of the Bahamas (SCB) issued a warning that Valizerfxtrading is conducting financial activities without authorization. You may visit:

    On June 20 2022, the Securities Commission of the Bahamas (SCB) issued a warning that Valizerfxtrading is conducting financial activities without authorization. You may visit:
  • 2022-07-11 BrokersView has Reviewed that Valizerfxtrading is an Unregulated Forex Broker

    Valizerfxtrading claims to be a subsidiary of Valizerfxtrading PLC, a firm authorised and regulated by the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority (UK FCA). We searched UK FCA and found no matching result. 

    Valizerfxtrading also claims to be authorised and regulated by the Securities Commission of the Bahamas (SCB). Then we searched SCB and found a warning. The SCB issued a warning that Valizerfxtrading is conducting financial activities without authorization.

    That means Valizerfxtrading is not regulated by any regulators. Letting this broker hold or control investors' money is unsafe and the money can not be protected by any laws. Therefore, it is a scam.

    Valizerfxtrading claims to be a subsidiary of Valizerfxtrading PLC, a firm authorised and regulated by the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority (UK FCA). We searched UK FCA and found no matching result. Valizerfxtrading also claims to be authorised and regulated by the Securities Commission of the Bahamas (SCB). Then we searched SCB and found a warning. The SCB issued a warning that Valizerfxtrading is conducting financial activities without authorization.That means Valizerfxtrading is not regulated by any regulators. Letting this broker hold or control investors' money is unsafe and the money can not be protected by any laws. Therefore, it is a scam.