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BIG scam by quotex my fund and profit both Deducted 5.2 lakh USD
India 2024-04-26
Related Broker:
Claims: Fund Recovery
Amount: $520,000
Progress: Replied
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BrokersView BrokersView leaves a reply

Dear user,

We have received your complaint, but BrokersView has reviewed that Quotex is an unregulated Broker, there are multiple operating websites, you may refer to

We have conveyed your complaint to Quotex broker. If any response, we will immediately inform you.

Best regards

BrokersView Team

MADAN File a Complaint

i am using quotex trading platform my profit of 5.2 lakh US dollar not given by company

Name of ComplainantMadan KumarDate of ComplaintApril 19, 2024Name(s) of companies complained againstQuotex

Category of complaintInvestmentsPermanent link of complaintRight click to copy linkShare your complaint on social media for wider reachFacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailText of Complaint by Madan Kumar:

i am a trader .i was using quotex trading platform .on dt. 15.04.24 in evening i there was glitch in market and i made some profit of 15 lakh US Dollar in evening along with my friend .morning 16.04.24 my balance updated by quotex its was around 2.95 lakh US Dollar .Additional amount deducted as it was due glitch occurred in market .

Now my updated balance was 2.95 Lakh US dollar and i start trading on 16.04.24 morning to evening and i made a profit of 1.97 lakh US dollar that day .In Evening my account suspended by Quotex without any reason .i made a complaint and recover my account .i was surprised to seem my balance it was around 3300 USD only .Quotex has deducted all my amount .Now Nobody is responding on mail .i have all screen shot of trading done on 16.04.24 .

Its a big fraud done by quotex .i am enclosing screen shot of my winning profit on dt. 16.04.24 with my trader ID .

Name :Madan kumar

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