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Capital IM Limited requests many payments to withdraw my money
Patricio Alvarez del carpio
Peru 2024-05-29
Related Broker:
Capital IM Limited
Claims: Fund Recovery
Amount: $3,795
Progress: Replied
1 comment
Patricio Alvarez del carpio Replenished the Complaint

They asked me for 1000 USD to activate the account, after making the payment they asked me for an additional 1000 USD. Indicating that it was only activated at 50%. I made the payment of 1000 USD, but now they tell me that it only reached 99.9%. I would like to recover the 3795 USD of invested capital.

Could you help me with this fraudulent company?

BrokersView BrokersView leaves a reply

Dear user,

BrokersView has reviewed that Capital IM Limited is an unregulated broker, you may refer to

We have conveyed your complaint to Capital IM Limited broker. Could you please provide some proofs to support your complaint? including trading account number, deposit, trading records and chat history with broker. 

You may add proofs in your complaint. If any response, we will immediately inform you.

Best regards

BrokersView Team

Patricio Alvarez del carpio File a Complaint

I carried out several operations in Capital IM Limited on the page, when I contacted the support area they asked me several times to pay taxes. I made the tax payment twice but now they are asking me for a payment of $1000 to be able to withdraw and if I don't make the payment they will freeze my account.

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