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I'll Sacrifice My Principal to Unmask ThinkMarkets
he zi
Taiwan 2024-10-09
Related Broker:
Regulators: CySEC,FCA,ASIC,Seychelles FSA,FSCA
Claims: Fund Recovery,Others
Amount: $108,131.38
Progress: Replied
BrokersView BrokersView leaves a reply

Dear user,

we have conveyed to ThinkMarkets. If any response, we will immediately inform you.

Best regards

BrokersView Team

he zi Replenished the Complaint

BrokersView BrokersView leaves a reply

Dear user,

How much money did you invest? Could you please provide some proofs? including deposit, trading records and chat history with broker. You may add proofs in your complaint, we will try to convey to this broker. If any response, we will immediately inform you.

Best regards

BrokersView Team

he zi File a Complaint

As a client registered under the email address, with account number 10154602, I refuse to let ThinkMarkets get away with their fraud! I don’t care about my principal anymore—I’m here to expose this scam and prevent others from suffering like I have. There are countless victims out there who’ve lost their funds and profits, and it's time we stand together!

ThinkMarkets treats their clients like absolute fools. They welcome losers but will do anything to prevent profitable clients from withdrawing their money. This is nothing less than a trap—a disgraceful scam!

Since they BLOCKED my withdrawal last December, I've sent 11 emails over five months with ZERO replies. I’ve filed multiple complaints with regulators, submitting all evidence. They claimed on June 19 they were "still investigating," but there’s been NO progress!

Now, nine months later, I filed another complaint on September 11, and they responded the next day with more empty promises. It was only after I exposed them on Trustpilot on September 13 that they finally contacted me—not with genuine help, but with THREATS! They demanded I delete my posts or risk losing my principal, while they simply STOLE my profits!

They issued a final ultimatum: delete all posts and sign an agreement to get my principal back, all in three working days. I complied, removing my posts, but after six days of silence, they IGNORED me completely! When I sent a final warning, they feigned ignorance about my emails and offered to deduct fees from my principal for "damaging their reputation." And to top it off, they want to repay me over 16 months!

I’m calling out all victims of ThinkMarkets to join me in exposing their deceitful practices! Share your stories, and let’s make it clear that we won’t be silenced! Together, we will shine a light on their corruption and STOP them from preying on more unsuspecting traders!
