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Pro Lite Trade cheated me
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K Mohan
India 2024-09-21
Related Broker:
Pro Lite Trade
Claims: Fund Recovery
Amount: --
Progress: Processing
BrokersView BrokersView leaves a reply

Dear user,

We have received your complaint. 

Could you please provide some proofs? including deposit amount, trading records and chat history with this broker. You may add proofs in your complaint.

we will try to convey to this broker. If any response, we will immediately inform you.

Best regards

BrokersView Team

K Mohan File a Complaint

Dear Sir/Mam, I have opened an account (102438) for forex trading on 19th of September with Sandhya Mam's guidance which made inr 17200/- (usd 200) through merchant shyam sansare and received one trade from her for the same day and received the profit usd 8.45. she promised to provide training to trade & calls. But, she didn't turn up call after made the payment. She was calling many times for the payment. Then, she didn't give a call & response for mail also. I got bad experience from the prolite trade broker. Kindly, request to help me to go for further process or transfer the amount to my account. 
