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Don't Fall into HSBC Investment Malaysia's Fraudulent Investment Trap!

2024-03-07 Brokersview

exposing HSBC Investment Malaysia

Fraudulent actors often establish fictitious investment companies on platforms like Telegram, luring victims with exaggerated promises of wealth through fake trading packages. These schemes, such as the recent case involving 'HSBC Investment Malaysia', showcase enticing returns that are too good to be true, trapping investors in their web of deceit. Judging by its name, the bogus platform even pretends to be associated with HSBC, one of the world's largest banking and financial services institutions.


A recent complaint received by BrokersView highlights the malice of these scams. A client fell victim to the fraudulent scheme HSBC Investment Malaysia after being added to the group by an anonymous person. Tempted by fabricated trading profits flaunted by fake traders within the group, the client began to learn more about the “investment program” from the administrator (scammer), despite his initial attempt to leave this group. 

HSBC Investment Malaysia group details

Following the scammer’s explanation of their trading package, the client decided to invest. The exact initial deposit amount is unknown, along with a fee charge, the client lost a total of RM2,500 with HSBC Investment Malaysia.

client's transfers to HSBC Investment Malaysia

Specifically, the trading package offered allows a minimal deposit amount of RM500 and the platform claims that it would yield RM10,000 in profits. Astonishingly, if the investment amount is higher, a three-fold or four-fold profit would purportedly be made. Such numbers are not only unrealistic but also indicative of fraudulent intent.

HSBC Investment Malaysia's fake trading package

Shortly after investing, the client was shown a fictitious profit of more than RM380,000 in his trading account. However, the scammer asked him to top-up his account to cover a fee charge, which is a common tactic used to exploit victims further. Asked to pay another fee, the client recognized that he had fallen prey to a scam.

client's trading account with HSBC Investment Malaysia

BrokersView Reminds You


Telegram and similar platforms harbor numerous individuals and groups operating under false pretenses. Always verify the authenticity of individuals and platforms before engaging in any investment programs.


Stay alert and skeptical of investment opportunities presented by strangers, especially those promising extravagant returns with minimal effort.

