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Forex Trading Apps Downgrade from China App Store

2021-06-10 BrokersView


Many forex trading related apps have been removed from the China App Store because they are founded to violate the Notice on Severe Investigation and Handling of llgal Foreign Exchange Futures and Foreign Exchange Margin Trading Activities jointly issued by CSRC, SAFE, SAIC and MPS, Zhengjianfa [1994] No.165.

Apple posted the following to these apps,

"We are writing to notify you that your application will be removed from the China App Store because China regulators have determined that your apps violate the Notice on Severe Investigation and Handling of llgal Foreign Exchange Futures and Foreign Exchange Margin Trading Activities jointly issued by CSRC, SAFE, SAIC and MPS, Zhengjianfa [1994] No.165." which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines :

5. Legal

Apps must comply with all legal requirements in any location where you make them available (if you're not sure, check with a lawyer). It is your responsibility to understand and make sure your app conforms with all local laws, not just the guidelines below. And of course, apps that solicit, promote, or encourage criminal or clearly reckless behavior will be rejected.

While your app has been removed from the China App Store, it is still available in the App Stores for the other territories you selected in App Store Connect. Even if you have not selected China as a salable territory in App Store Connect, your app will still be made unavilable on the China App Store."


The removement of the forex trading related apps is forced by the pressure of China's policy. The downgraded software includes both high quality apps such as ForexSoul and Huichacha, as well as WikiFX which was recently blocked.

