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KKR Capital Markets Limited Linked to Fraudulent Investment Activities in Vietnam: A Warning for Investors

2024-09-21 BrokersView

KKR Capital Markets Limited Linked to Fraudulent Investment Activities in Vietnam: A Warning for Investors

KKR Capital Markets Limited, a firm known for investment services, has been linked to fraudulent activities in Vietnam under the name KKR VN. Reports suggest that the platform manipulates investors, especially targeting small retail investors. The strategy typically involves encouraging initial investments and allowing users to withdraw small profits to build trust. Once trust is established, the platform entices users to purchase discounted stocks. However, instead of allowing legitimate transactions, the system creates artificial stock balances, making the investor's account appear negative. This forces the investor to deposit more funds to rectify the balance, only for them to face more obstacles when attempting to withdraw funds, with many unable to recover their investments.


The screenshot of KKR Capital Markets Limited's website


Such platforms often claim to be regulated by authorities like the Financial Services Commission (FSC) or the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC), though these claims are usually false. The inability to withdraw funds, misleading customer service, and other deceptive practices further indicate that this is a fraudulent operation. This case highlights the importance of carefully researching brokers and ensuring that they are properly regulated before making any financial commitments.

