A 52-year-old Malaysian woman has fallen prey to an investment scam operating on Telegram, resulting in a financial loss of RM105,600. The victim filed a police report after being unable to withdraw her promised returns and failing to recover her initial investment from the fraudulent scheme.
The scam began when the woman encountered an advertisement on Telegram promoting an investment scheme promising high profits, potentially amounting to tens of thousands of ringgit. As part of the scam’s tactics, the victim was offered a free trial investment of RM5,000. Within days, she received a return of RM247, convincing her of the scheme's legitimacy.
Between February 12 and March 11, the victim transferred RM105,600 through 17 transactions to two separate bank accounts. However, on March 18, when she attempted to withdraw her investment profits, the suspect was asked for additional deposits. Realizing the scam, she lodged a police report.
Malaysian authorities are investigating the case and have warned the public about unregistered or illegal investment schemes that promise quick and unrealistic returns.
Authorities also encouraged the public to verify the legitimacy of investment offers through official channels, such as the Commercial Crime Investigation Department’s (CCID) social media pages on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Victims of financial scams are advised to contact the National Scam Response Centre (NSRC) immediately to block further fund transfers from scam-related accounts.