
Ranking List of Complaints Satisfaction in August Newly Released

2023-09-01 BrokersView

BrokersView Aug list of brokers by complaints satisfaction

Most investors, in particular beginners, are prone to ignore a broker's service attitude when selecting a trading platform. However, the attitude towards customers will significantly affect the trading experience. Therefore, to assist investors in making an informed decision, BrokersView monthly updates the list of brokers and ranks them by complaints satisfaction. We aim to provide useful insight into how they value their clients' opinions and the overall level of customer service they provide.


On top of the permanent topic surrounding withdrawal difficulty, this month's most common complaints we received from investors contained fake profits, extra fees, and transfer failure. Below are the lists of brokers involved for reference purposes, and their performances in handling customer complaints are easily to see.

August good list of brokers

August bad list of brokers

With the rapid development of the internet, the online scam industry is thriving. Each and every day, an avalanche of new investment fraud schemes emerge, and it is increasingly challenging for people to protect themselves from fraud or theft. Con artists can even produce a batch of fake platforms within a short time with the help of generic website templates which include similar layouts, trading conditions, and regulatory information. These platforms often come with enticing bonuses or other tempting benefits to lure inexperienced traders.


It is worth noting that NovaTech continues to have a spot on the BrokersView's monthly blacklist. The illegal operations by the platform have drawn more than one regulatory fraud warning from financial regulatory bodies. It is a significant red flag. BrokersView has published three articles to reveal the scam, in an effort to urge investors to avoid it. The shady broker even changed its domain recently so as to ensnare more victims.


In addition, Royal Q, CCF Markets, Malaysia Islamic Trading, UOBE FX, OsmosisFX, Tradehall, and BursaIslamic are scam brokers that have no authorization or regulation. We strongly advise investors to steer clear of these platforms.


BrokersView wants to highlight the importance of staying informed about broker-related complaints which, along with regulatory information, can serve as helpful indicators when it comes to selecting a broker. Taking complaints into account helps reduce risks. In case of any suspected violations, investors can file a complaint through BrokersView. Acting as a third party to protect your rights at no cost, we will assist you in communicating with the broker or help you send emails to the regulator.


Submit a complaint via this link to BrokersView:

