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Scam Alert! Global Finance Will Never Help You Invest or Profit

2023-06-08 BrokersView

Last month, a user reported to us that an unlicensed broker called Global Finance was promising investors returns of up to 3,000%. A month later, the fraudulent broker is still using the same tricks to scam investors, even asking victims to transfer money with the same excuses.


Just like the user who reported the scam broker to us, the victimized investor was also invited into the "investment group" by an anonymous person. When she saw others showing their investment profits, she believed it and thought she had really stumbled upon a good opportunity to make money.


After getting in touch with the group's administrator, the victim received three different "investment plans", including the basic plan, the silver plan, and the gold plan. It is worth mentioning that all the options were clearly marked with the amount of required investment and promised returns.


The investor decided to join the investment with 1000 ringgit and opened an account with Global Finance according to the link sent to her, and then handed over the account to the admin to trade on her behalf.


Less than six hours after opening the account, the scammer claimed to have made a profit of 30,000 ringgit in the account and asked the victim to pay a fee to withdraw. At this point, the victim realized that she had been scammed.


Recently, BrokersView has exposed many cases of victims who were scammed, and most of them got the idea to invest after seeing people in the "investment group" making money. They mistakenly thought that they could invest and make a lot of money easily after listening to the scammers.


However, no one in the complex financial market makes a guaranteed profit, so any high-yield investment program that guarantees the amount of investment and return is a scam!


BrokersView reminds you

Don't trust the so-called high-profit investment programs offered by anonymous people on the Internet! The key to preventing scams is to check the details of the broker before investing and invest in a regulated platform. If you find any misconduct of a broker, keep evidence and report it to the police.


You can also submit a complaint to BrokersView to expose the illegal behavior of fraudulent brokers and to warn other investors not to fall for the scam.

