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Warning: Fraudulent Activities by Deleno IFC

2024-07-03 Brokersview

Warning: Fraudulent Activities by Deleno IFC

Since April, numerous victims have reported fraudulent activities by Deleno IFC, exposing a pattern of unethical practices and financial losses. These complaints highlight the need for extreme caution when dealing with this broker.


Victims have experienced severe difficulties in withdrawing their funds. One client was unable to access more than $5,000 and was told to deposit additional money, yet their balance remained unchanged. Another reported unauthorized funds being sent to them, followed by demands to reimburse the amount with their own money to invest it.


Several clients have been blocked from withdrawing substantial investments, with one account holding over $15,000. Additionally, Deleno IFC has allegedly required deposits to recover funds on their platform, despite announcing plans to close without taking responsibility for the funds.


The website of Deleno IFC


Another victim appealed for assistance from U.S. regulators to recover their funds, underscoring the desperation and frustration among affected clients. These incidents reveal a consistent pattern of deceit and financial exploitation by Deleno IFC.


Compounding these issues, Deleno IFC operates without regulatory oversight, leaving clients unprotected and vulnerable. The broker's website ( remains active, continuing to pose a threat to potential investors.


In conclusion, the reports of fraud involving Deleno IFC underscore the dangers of engaging with unregulated brokers. Potential investors are strongly advised to avoid this broker to prevent financial loss and unethical treatment. Always conduct thorough research and choose regulated brokers to protect your investments.

