ANSWER Dear Investor,
Thank you for your message. We have researched Fidus Invest and suspect that it is a scam.
The website of Fidus Invest is unpolished. Except for exaggerated claims promoting the company, there is no useful information about its regulatory status. This lack of regulatory details is a significant warning sign. While Fidus Invest claims to be domiciled in Cyprus, we have not found corresponding records to prove that it is licensed by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC). More critically, the Italian Companies and Exchange Commission (CONSOB) has ordered the blackout of Fidus Invest's website due to its illegal financial services.
Therefore, Fidus Invest cannot be trusted, and we strongly advise against using this unregulated broker. Otherwise, any money entrusted with it may be gone forever as there are no legal protections in place.
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