ANSWER INFINOX brand is authorized and regulated in various jurisdictions. INFINOX Capital is a registered trading name of IX Capital Group Limited, authorised and regulated by the Securities Commission of The Bahamas (SCB) under Registration Number SIA F-188.INFINOX Capital Ltd SA is an authorized Financial Services Provider and is regulated by the Financial Services Conduct Authority (FSCA) under FSP No. 50506.INFINOX Limited is authorised and regulated as an Investment Dealer by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) of Mauritius under License Number GB20025832.Infinox Capital Ltd is authorised and regulated by The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) under registration number 501057. Among these regulations, FCA license is considered to be most trustwothy one on account of the watchdog's stringent regulatory laws, protection of client funds and companies insolvency compensation rules etc. Therefore, if you are about to deal with this broker, it is better to onboard your account on its FCA license. You may also click here to know more trading details and company profiles about this broker.
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