
無故扣除盈利(Unreasonable deductions from profits)
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Hong Kong 2024-03-17
Related Broker:
Squared Financial
Regulators: CySEC,Seychelles FSA
Claims: Compensation for Trading Losses,Fund Recovery
Amount: $4,614.9
Progress: Replied
BrokersView BrokersView leaves a reply

Dear user,

This is BrokersView, and we have received your complaint. 

Your complaint have been conveyed to Squared Financial broker. If any response, we will immediately inform you. 

Best regards

BrokersView Team


您好,這裡是BrokersView,我們已收到了您對Squared Financial經紀商的投訴,已將投訴問題轉達至該經紀商,如果有新的進展,我們會立即聯繫您。


NGAITY File a Complaint

本人2023年8月在平方金融(Squared Financial)開戶交易黃金,自己交易一直虧錢,最後在23年尾出金打算不交易.隨後認識有老師帶交易黃金,所以重新在2024年3月5日入金5000美元.2024年3月6日老師便帶我們交易,玩了5次,4次贏,一次輸,共盈4112.4美元.但在2024年3月7日便給平方金融扣除盈利及返佣,共扣了4614.9美元.其他一起玩的朋友,在其他公司平台同樣交易,都沒事,只有平方金融(Squared Financial)扣除.找他們相關職員投訴,亦沒有回覆.最後只能無奈出金.

I opened an account with Squared Financial to trade gold in August 2023. I kept losing money while playing, and finally I decided to withdraw my gold at the end of 2023 and decided not to play anymore. Then I met a teacher who taught me how to trade gold, so I started trading gold again on March 5, 2024. The daily deposit was 5,000 US dollars. On March 6, 2024, the teacher took us to trade. We played 5 times, won 4 times and lost once, with a total profit of 4112.4 US dollars. But on March 7, 2024, the profit and loss were deducted from Square Financial A total of US$4,614.9 was deducted from the rebate. Other friends who played with us did the same transactions on other company platforms, and everything was fine. Only Squared Financial deducted the commission. I complained to their relevant staff, but there was no reply. In the end, I had no choice but to withdraw the money. .
