On March 19, the Belgian Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) announced several fraudulent trading platforms that promised investors quick and easy profits.
These platforms provided seemingly attractive financial services. However, they were just some complex scams that may cause serious losses to investors.
FSMA said the scams use various means to approach the victim, such as mentioning well-known celebrities in fake advertisements, using websites to recruit investors, making up fake profiles on social media or dating apps, and pretending to send message mistakenly. Moreover, the scammers promised to bring high returns in a very short period of time, which is not realistic.
Once an interested investor registers with the platform, he or she deposits a relatively small amount. Sometimes the scammers even remotely control the investor's device to make the transfer and download viruses and spyware on the device.
Upon receiving the funds, these fraudulent platforms then manipulate the trades to give the investor the illusion of making a profit. In fact, these so-called profits are faked, and the client's funds are not involved in real investment transactions.
Scammers often force investors to make quick decisions by repeating phone calls and time-limited offers, or even threaten them.
In order to gain trust, scammers allow victims to withdraw small amounts of money. However, if they want to withdraw more, the scammersthen ask for additional payments under different pretexts and eventually disappear with the victim's funds.
The FSMA reminds investors that the following websites expose financial consumers to fraudulent trading platforms:
Gas Folex (https://the-nft-profit.com)
Immediate Apex (https://bitcoin-revolution.software, https://immediate-apex.com, https://immediateapexai.com)
Immediate DexAir (https://immediatedexair.net)
Immediate GPT (https://immediategp.com, https://immediategp.org, https://immediate-gpt.com, https://immediategpt.org)
Oil Folex (https://gasfolex.com)
Proficator (https://proficator.com)
In addition, FSMA strongly recommends that investors do not respond to the following trading platforms:
Aevo Limited (https://aevo.ltd)
Agile Traders (https://agile-traders.com)
AlgosOne (https://algosone.ai)
Amibit (https://www.amibit.cfd)
Apex Trade (https://apex-trade.capital, https://platform.apex-trade.app)
Arbitrum Invest (https://arbitruminvest.com)
BlingXE (https://blingxe.com, http://blingxeglobal.com)
Cexcapitals (https://cexcapitals.com)
CryptoAllDay (https://cryptoallday.com)
CryptoLogicIQ (https://cryptologiciq.com)
Curion Finance (https://curion-finance.com)
Deal Markets (http://deal-markets.com)
Finflex (https://finflex.org)
Global CIM (https://globalcim.com)
Guru4invest (https://guru4invest.io, https://platform.pltf-tchg.io, https://guru4invest.com)
ICL Markets (http://iclmarkets.com)
Innvester (https://innvester.com)
KeyWealth (https://keywealthltd.com, https://keywealthltd.net)
Link-Traders (https://link-traders.com)
Market Makers (https://marketmakers.cc, https://marketmakers.website)
Pexotera (https://www.pexotera.com)
Platinum Stock (https://platinum-stock.com)
Private Soft Solutions (https://privatesoftsolutions.com)
Pulse Trade (https://pulse-trade.io, https://webtrader.pulse-trade.ac, https://pulse-trade.cc)
QuantumWins (https://www.quantumwins.com)
RIMCgroup (https://rimcgroup.com)
Robo Global Markets (Clone) (https://cfd.r-globalmarkets.info, https://cfd.robo-globalmarkets.net)
Six Digital Markets / Six Digital Exchange (Clone) (https://sixdigitalexchange.com, https://sixdigitalmarkets.ai)
TheProfitSupp (https://theprofitsupp.com, https://theprofitsupp.net)
VT markets (https://www.vtmarkets.com, https://www.vtmarkets.net)
Xfers Capital (Clone) (https://www.xfer-capital.com)