Claiming to operate from 9 AM to 11 PM, an investment scheme named “DDNK Menang Saham” on Telegram is creating the illusion that its investment offers are highly sought-after. Its offers appear enticing and profitable, promising a minimum 30-fold profit and a 90% win rate. However, these claims are entirely false.
“DDNK Menang Saham” also assures clients that withdrawals can be made within 3 to 6 hours of deposits and promises to return the capital if trades are lost. However, a victim's experience has exposed these assurances as false, revealing the scam that is looting money from Malaysian traders.
The client was added to a Telegram group by one of his contacts, whose account was likely hacked. Initially, the client left the group but was re-added shortly after. Over the following days, the client became interested in the investment opportunities shared by the group's admin, in reality, a scammer.
As the scammer continued to promote the high potential returns on investments, the client engaged in several discussions with the admin to understand the investment details better. Convinced by the scammer's promises, the client transferred a total of RM 4,500 in two separate transactions.
When the client attempted to withdraw the profits and the initial capital, he found himself unable to do so. Subsequently, the client was blocked by the scammer, making further communication impossible. The client lost his RM 4,500 due to the scam and was unable to retrieve his funds or contact the scammer group.
Dato' Dr. Nazri Khan (DDNK) is a famous figure in the Malaysian investment community, which has led to numerous impersonators advertising fake trading packages and investment opportunities in his name. The imposters may steal his photos or signatures and use nicknames similar to 'DDNK' on Telegram to deceive unsuspecting individuals, often with spelling typos.
BrokersView has exposed multiple scam cases involving the impersonation of DDNK. In the latest incident, the fraudulent group “DDNK Menang Saham” is misusing DDNK’s images and name to promote its bogus investment scheme.
If you are added to a Telegram group by your contact, reach out to the contact through a separate communication channel to confirm if their account has been hacked. Avoid trusting information or referrals shared by your “friends” without verification.
If the group you are added to seems suspicious or promotes investment opportunities that sound too good to be true, avoid engaging with the group or the admin. Block the admin and leave the group immediately. Most group members are fellow scammers whose purpose is to lure more victims into trading and to steal their money.
Be cautious of any offers claiming to be endorsed by celebrities. Scammers often exploit the popularity of well-known figures to lend credibility to their fraudulent schemes. Always verify the authenticity before making any financial commitments.