Dear user,
This is BrokersView (, We have received your complaint about OsmosisFX.
BrokersView has reviewed that OsmosisFX is not regulated by any regulators, you may refer to
Could you please provide some proofs? including trading account number, deposit, trading records and chat history with broker. You may add proofs in your complaint.
If you want to file a SEC complaint, you may click And it is suggested that you seek help from the local police. Enforcements are authorized to recover ill-gotten from criminals.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by email.
Best regards
BrokersView Team
I had been trading with Melanie and Mr Jacobs and I invested Substantial money and then have tried to get my money out and they requested additional funds and I submitted and now they have disappeared no longer on the METS folder nor is their website available how do I file a SEC complaint