ANSWER We strongly suggest you avoid Tide Technologies Group as it is an unlicensed trading platform that has been red-flagged by two financial regulatory bodies, indicating significant risks to investors.Tide Technologies Group lists an LEI code to appear legitimate. However, the LEI, or Legal Entity Identifier, is a reference code used across markets and jurisdictions to uniquely identify a legally distinct entity that engages in a financial transaction. Possessing an LEI code doesn't equate to authorization from a financial regulator. What's more, Tide Technologies Group has received warnings from two financial authorities, the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (CONSOB) and the Financial Authority (Autorité des Marchés Financiers, AMF). Both regulators believe that Tide Technologies Group is illegally operating in their countries without the required authorization (refer to the CONSOB warning list and the AMF warning list).Therefore, it is strongly advised against any engagement with Tide Technologies Group to avoid potential fraud and identity theft. To protect their interests, investors are recommended to choose fully regulated brokers with solid reputations.