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NCE MARKETS(官网无法出金,怀疑要跑路。24年8月24日经人介绍在NCE开户,并入金15100美金,当时行情好,赚了点钱,9月12日想申请出一部分钱,至今3个月无法出金。怀疑平台要跑路。大家小心!!
NCE MARKETS (official website cannot withdraw money and is suspected of running away. On August 24, 2024, I was introduced to open an account in NCE and deposited US$15,100. The market was good at that time and I made some money. On September 12, I wanted to apply to withdraw part of the money, but I have been unable to withdraw the money for three months. I suspect the platform is going to run away. Be careful everyone!!