
FBS is a big scam!!
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South Korea 2022-07-05
관련 브로커:
레귤레이터: CySEC,Belize FSC
청구: 자금 회수,거래손실 보상
양: $1,164
진전: 처리
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FBS is a big scam!
hello avery one
i want to tell you today be care full from the fbs it is a scam it can stole your money at any time end give you any reason whith no proof!
fbs have srtolen me the 1000 dollar i have make it in profit after 3 month ago from the bonus of the post 149 dollar end now he tell me that all my post are not rigth.
why he had give the bonus in the rules if i make post not regulated i will be baned end not take the bonus for the post.
in reality he can't give you the profit because he work to stole the clien end make money from him not work to help peopole make money from the forex.

this is what he tell me

scam! scam! scam!

Margo: Hello. How may I help you?

haddar: so sir what i can do now

haddar: i can't trade with fbs

Margo: you can deposit an account with your own funds and continue your trading

haddar: end my balance acout of 1164

Margo: tell me your trading account number, please

haddar: why

Margo: to check your balance I should know your account number, Sir

haddar: my acount number is 56419

Margo: suggest you to open a new account with FBS, deposit it with your own funds and trade

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