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Warren Bowie & Smith
레귤레이터: Mauritius FSC
i tell about my experience about warren bowie smith no 1 mother fucker company they suck your money slowly and they are making fraud unregulated trading especially fucking account manager sheikh and Iswaran and don't believe mother fucker words and don't invest ever, and they are fucking of warren bowie CEO culprit and how you train your fucking people, and they are targeting especially middle east countries .and don't believe the fucking company.
Dear Investor,
We understand the distress and frustration this issue may have caused you. We urge you to gather all the evidence and report it to your local authorities. Discontinue any engagement with Warren Bowie & Smith regardless of what they claim, or you may risk losing more of your money.
The broker solely claims to be licensed by the Mauritius Financial Services Commission (Mauritius FSC), but offshore supervision provides minimal protection. That's why we always underscore the importance of trading with brokers regulated by top-tier financial regulators.
We also encourage you to file a complaint on our platform at https://www.brokersview.com/complaint. Our dedicated team will thoroughly review your case and work diligently to help find a possible solution.
Lastly, we would like to alert you to Recovery Room Scams. You may be contacted by individuals or firms claiming they can help you get your money back. However, they most likely do not have the necessary techniques and intend to exploit your desire for refunds to defraud you further.
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