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Fake advertisements, scammed by AIOMARKETS. From J C Nysschen
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Jan Nysschen
South Africa 2024-08-18
Nhà môi giới liên quan:
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Bảo vệ quyền: Hoàn trả tiền gốc
Số tiền: --
Tiến độ: Đã trả lời
2 bình luận
BrokersView BrokersView đã trả lời

Dear Investor,

We have received your complaint. The domain associated with the scammer's email address,, is currently inaccessible. However, we found another accessible URL,, linked to AIOMarkets. Our research confirms that AIOMarkets is a scam. We strongly advise you to report this to your local authorities and cease any engagement with them.

Could you please provide some evidence to support your complaint? This includes:

•  Trading account number

•  Deposit and withdrawal amounts

•  Trading records

•  Chat history with the broker

You can add these proofs to your complaint.


Best regards

BrokersView Team

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Jan Nysschen Gửi đơn khiếu nại

I got a call from a Nicole Davis ( telling me they were the appointed Brokers to run with the Platform advertised by Elon Musk and Anton Rupert offering you returns in excess of R120,000-00 per month  for a mere investment of R4,800-00 and thet they will ensure that I receive very good returns on my investment.

For 3 months now,  I  CANNOT get them to `return my calls, provide me with any sort of assistance.All withdrawal requests are acknowledged  and   you get a reply  message ``An Agent will be in touch with you within 24 hours``.

Be VERY aware of this SCAM opertion

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