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Tiếng Việt
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FXGT scam
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sdghfhfg gsdgsdgsdg
Vietnam 2024-08-20
Nhà môi giới liên quan:
Cơ quan quản lý: VFSC,Seychelles FSA,FSCA
Bảo vệ quyền: Khác
Số tiền: --
Tiến độ: Đã trả lời
BrokersView BrokersView đã trả lời

Dear user,

We have received your complaint and have conveyed to FXGT.

If any response, we will immediately inform you.

Best regards

BrokersView Team

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sdghfhfg gsdgsdgsdg Bổ sung khiếu nại

sdghfhfg gsdgsdgsdg Bổ sung khiếu nại

sdghfhfg gsdgsdgsdg Bổ sung khiếu nại

sdghfhfg gsdgsdgsdg Gửi đơn khiếu nại

 felt nightmage when trade with no bonus deposit here. They removed all my profit when i had profit and find some stupid reason that my fault. After that when i complain alot they said my case is ok and pay out me. But not all my profit when i traded there. Trader looking for good platform trading so don't trade here everyone. Trust me all i said is true. If need more infomation about it. Can connect with me i will realese all that stuff and image about them.

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