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I may be scammed by LegacyFx!
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French Guiana 2022-08-18
Nhà môi giới liên quan:
Cơ quan quản lý: CySEC,VFSC
Bảo vệ quyền: Hoàn trả tiền gốc,Bồi thường tiền lỗ
Số tiền: $600,000
Tiến độ: Đang xử lý
KeithFX Gửi đơn khiếu nại

I have been trading with LegacyFX since 2020. 

On 11 Aug 2022, my account was blown up completely without any warning, leaving £600 in the account, which had been funded to almost £600, 000.

Since then, I have been trying to contact their customer service and my account manager. They just gave a derisory offer of compensation, but I refused. Then they were about to stop processing any of my requests.

Please stay away from LegacyFX.

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