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Tiếng Việt
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lost 2.5k
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Malaysia 2023-02-21
Nhà môi giới liên quan:
Cơ quan quản lý:
Bảo vệ quyền: Bồi thường tiền lỗ,Hoàn trả tiền gốc
Số tiền: $363.92
Tiến độ: Đang xử lý
6 bình luận
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We have received your complaint about

As the site is currently not working, we presume it is likely that the company has run away. We will try to add the contact those two people you mentioned in the complaint in the telegram.

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dashx Gửi đơn khiếu nại

first, they invited me to a telegram group and ask me to join the group mission

first mission I join was just to invest rm100 and get a profit of rm128.00

2nd mission is rm500 and get profit rm590

third mission only can choose within rm2500/rm3000/rm4500, so I do not want to join but they said if I do not continue, another team member will be lost too, so I need to find rm2.5k to join, they give me more time to collect rm2.5k

after I invest rm2.5k, they reject and remove me from the group without my notice

and that time I knew it im being scammed

This is the trading platform:

And these are scammers! you can still find them in telegram.

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6 bình luận