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may be scammed by instaForex
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United Kingdom 2023-02-08
Nhà môi giới liên quan:
InstaForex (EU)
Cơ quan quản lý: CySEC,FCA,PFSA
Bảo vệ quyền: Bồi thường tiền lỗ
Số tiền: --
Tiến độ: Đang xử lý
BrokersView BrokersView đang xử lý

We have received your complaint about InstaForex (EU). 

Thank you for sharing us with these evidence of your trading in InstaForex (EU), we will try to contact this broker for you.

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Kiran Gửi đơn khiếu nại

I think that i may be scammed by instaForex. I try withdrawing my money the system keep asking me to verify my card over and over and each i verify 3$ is frozen in my bank card

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