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Nobody should believe MBSB Bank
Xem bản dịch
Malaysia 2023-04-10
Nhà môi giới liên quan:
Cơ quan quản lý:
Bảo vệ quyền: Bồi thường tiền lỗ,Hoàn trả tiền gốc,Gian lận quảng cáo,Xin lỗi,Khác
Số tiền: $3,500
Tiến độ: Đang xử lý
Damian Gửi đơn khiếu nại

I was added into Telegram group and being promoted by the admin of the group with the feedback and profit from investment so it attracts the me to try to join, so I message with the admin. The admin offered me with the investment plan of 500 MYR and I got profit with 15K MYR. And I made the transaction. After waiting for 3-6 hours, the admin informed ma that my account already gain the profit and to withdraw it, but I needs to pay about 3,000 MYR for the tax fee. 

I made the transaction without thinking twice and informed the admin. Admin then told me that I needs to pay extra 7,000 MYR. Since then, I stopped to make any transaction. 

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