
Tìm kiếm
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Tiếng Việt
Đăng nhập
withdrawal pending
Xem bản dịch
aud usd
Malaysia 2023-05-19
Nhà môi giới liên quan:
Cơ quan quản lý: SVG FSA
Bảo vệ quyền: Khác
Số tiền: --
Tiến độ: Đã trả lời
BrokersView BrokersView đã trả lời

Dear user,

We've sent an e-mail to YunikonFX to convey your complaint and waiting for a reply.

Meanwhile, the unlicensed YunikonFX is only registered with SVG FSA.

Clients are suggested to collect the evidence and report it to the local police, as the broker conducting financial services without a license is illegal.

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aud usd Gửi đơn khiếu nại
withdrawal from date 20/4/2023 are still pending until now 19/5/2023.
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